I prefer to use baby bok choy for this recipe, but you can also use large bok choy. The cook time is really quick, so have all the ingredients ready before...
This is the traditional way to prepare most vegetables in the part of India my husband is from. You can substitute other vegetables into this recipe as...
Here's a change of pace: crispy stir-fried beans that are excellent as an appetizer or side dish. Green vegetables are rich in antioxidants and tied to...
I created this dish because my boyfriend is from South Africa and always wants curry, so I took some of his favorite ingredients and I Americanized it,...
This is an original recipe from North China using white cabbage, which in the United States, is referred to as bok choy. The recipe has an interesting...
My grandmother was a master housewife. She taught home economics and she could cook. When she cooked this apple red cabbage my brother and I would eat...
My partner, Andy, loves potatoes so much I have nicknamed him 'Spudley!' Potatoes are the one thing he desperately misses on a low-carb diet. He loved...
This is an excellent recipe for an often overlooked and unpopular root vegetable. Even folks who dislike Rutabagas love this delicious dish. Added bonus...
This is recipe is loved by everyone who has tried it. My husband's uncle kept this recipe a secret for many years and would not share it with anyone; we...
Bok Choy is one of my favorite vegetables. It has its own spiciness that is complimented by the sweetness of the sauce in this recipe. I like to serve...
I'm told no good Dane or Swede considers a meal complete without these tangy treats. They add gorgeous color to any table. If you want to use fresh beets,...
This is a great side dish to meat or fish. It's very easy to make and a good way to use up all those purple flowers that chives make. Make sure when you...
I'm told no good Dane or Swede considers a meal complete without these tangy treats. They add gorgeous color to any table. If you want to use fresh beets,...
Any sweet pepper will work in this side dish, but I love the delicate spiciness of the long, pointy gypsy pepper. I use organic beans, and serve alongside...
Any sweet pepper will work in this side dish, but I love the delicate spiciness of the long, pointy gypsy pepper. I use organic beans, and serve alongside...
An easy, delicious way to use celeriac or even make mashed potatoes a little more exciting. Can make a low fat version by using low fat milk and cutting...